Thread: [Help] Reading in data from .csv file

  1. #16
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2017
    using this new code I made
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main() {
        // Declare Variables
        char direct[2048]; // Used to store the char string array of the current programs directory (so the program will work even if you move it around)
        getcwd(direct); // Gets the "current working directory" (cwd) of the program
        strcat(direct, "\\code.txt"); // Adds the name of the textfile on the end of the directory path
        char lineOfText[1000][200] = {0}; // Holds each line and character of the textfile
        FILE *myFileHand; // Used to handle the file
        int i = 0, k = 0, j = 0, ii = 0, iii = 0; // Counters
        int lines; // Used to count the number of lines in the textfile
        char time[1000][8]; //The time in seconds when it was sent
          char type[1000][2]; //Type code to idtentify the device (0x20)
          char version[1000][2] = {0}; //software version
          char counter[1000][2]; //A rolling 8-bit, ever increasing number. Used to show how many messages are being missed by the receiver
          char via[1000][1]; //Which receiver picked up this device’s transmission
          char address[1000][8]; //The address of the transmitter
          char status[1000][2]; //The status code of the device
          char sensorData[1000][128]; //10-bytes of sensor data in hex (each sensor being 1 byte and 10 sensors) 
        File Handling
        myFileHand = fopen("1000.csv", "r");
        if(myFileHand != NULL) { // reading the text file into a 2D array as well as counting the number of lines it has
            char line[150];
            while (fgets(line, 150, myFileHand) != NULL) {
                strcpy(lineOfText[j], line);
                printf("LINE: %s\n", lineOfText[j]);
                printf("LINENO: %d\n", j);
    I am able to read in the file.
    I just get a string of each line.
    The problem is separating them into each array.
    Last edited by darkrage453; 05-23-2017 at 08:54 AM.

  2. #17
    Registered User
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    May 2010
          char time[1000][8]; //The time in seconds when it was sent
          char type[1000][2]; //Type code to idtentify the device (0x20)
          char version[1000][2] = {0}; //software version
          char counter[1000][2]; //A rolling 8-bit, ever increasing number. Used to show how many messages are being missed by the receiver
          char via[1000][1]; //Which receiver picked up this device’s transmission
          char address[1000][8]; //The address of the transmitter
          char status[1000][2]; //The status code of the device
          char sensorData[1000][128]; //10-bytes of sensor data in hex (each sensor being 1 byte and 10 sensors)
    Why is everything a string instead of numbers?

    It looks like several of your strings don't have enough room for the "data". For example if the "time" of the first record is "530622021" your string must be at least a size 10 (char time[1000][10]) and if the "type" is "20" you need at least a size of 3, etc.

    But don't you want to have numbers for most of those fields instead of strings?


  3. #18
    Registered User
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    May 2017
    There are all strings because you are just looking at a small sample. I have to account for error messages being read in. I can't make some validation to dismiss it being read in because depending on the output will depend on the error message I will output.

  4. #19
    Registered User
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    May 2010
    Well without knowing exactly what the input looks like it is almost impossible for me to help you.

    However if you do use strings the arrays must be large enough to hold the largest possible potential string, and don't forget to leave room for the end of string character.

    You should also consider using a struct to hold the records instead of the error prone parallel arrays.


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